To this end, RATP Group signed, in 2018, the membership charter of the Forum of Engaged Companies, the NGO Transparency International France, which brings together companies wishing to adopt the highest standards in terms of transparency and integrity.
It is in this spirit that RATP Group mobilises all the necessary resources to prevent the risks of corruption within the Group and adopts an anti-corruption compliance program in three domains:
1. Prevention:
In order to prevent illicit business practices, RATP Group maps the risks, develops prevention tools and trains Group directors and employees.
Risk mapping:
Risk mapping helps to identify, analyse and prioritise RATP Group's risk exposure to external solicitations which aim to corrupt.
Considered as the founding pillar of the anti-corruption compliance program, RATP Group has carried out risk mapping amongst its various structures. Depending on the risks identified, the entities have developed action plans.
Code of conduct and corruption prevention:
The code of conduct, which is the core of the anti-corruption compliance program, defines and illustrates the different types of prohibited behaviour, which are likely to be considered as acts of corruption or influence peddling. It was written in the same vein as the code of ethics, nurtured by a strong belief: integrity in the conduct of activities.
In order to manage situations where there is a risk and strengthen awareness, RATP Group has supplemented the code of business conduct, with concrete procedures, aimed at outlining the operational details of the appropriate behaviour.
The training framework:
RATP Group develops and implements a plan for continuous training concerning the risks of corruption and influence peddling. The training plan contributes to spreading a culture of compliance within the entities. It is broken down into three key components:
Compulsory training, face-to-face training for executives, managers and exposed personnel;
Compulsory training, face-to-face training for staff in charge of compliance issues;
Online training for non-exposed personnel.
Test yourself with the training module Transparency International “Doing business without corruption”
2. Detection
In order to detect illegal business practices, RATP Group implements a warning system, evaluates its third parties and carries out accounting controls.
- An alert system:
RATP Group provides an alert system to internal, external and occasional employees and third parties.
For any further information, do not hesitate to consult the section dedicated to this subject.
The evaluation of third parties:
The success of RATP Group is based on the establishment of relationships with its suppliers, subcontractors, customers and business partners, that are based on trust, loyalty and transparency.
To better understand the third parties with whom we work, RATP Group implements procedures to assess the situation of customers, first-tier suppliers and intermediaries in terms of risk mapping.* -
Accounting controls:
RATP Group has developed accounting control procedures dedicated to the prevention of the risk of corruption.
The aim is to ensure that books, records and accounts are not used to conceal corruption or influence peddling.
3. Checks
In order to control its system and punish any illegal business practices, RATP Group has developed a monitoring system and accompanies its code of conduct with a disciplinary system.
- The internal control and evaluation system:
RATP Group is part of a continuous progress initiative, developing a system of internal control and evaluation of the measures implemented as part of the compliance program. The system monitors and ensures that the necessary adjustment actions are implemented. - Disciplinary system:
RATP Group does not compromise and will not tolerate any violation of the code of conduct.
In this sense, RATP Group has annexed the code of business internal conduct to the by-laws of its various structures.
Protection des données personnelles :
Dans le cadre des dispositifs et procédures de conformité mises en place au sein du Groupe pour répondre aux obligations légales qui lui incombent (notamment les dispositions de la loi Sapin II du 9 décembre 2016), la RATP traite des données à caractère personnel concernant ses collaborateurs, fournisseurs, partenaires et autres parties prenantes.
Les données collectées sont accessibles au personnel du pôle Conformité et, pour chacune de ces procédures, aux personnes habilitées à en connaitre du fait de leur fonction, et sont conservées de manière sécurisée pour une durée maximale de 5 ans.
Pour plus d’informations ou pour l’exercice de leurs droits d’accès, de rectification, d’opposition et, le cas échéant, de leurs droits de portabilité, de limitation ou d’effacement, les personnes concernées peuvent s’adresser au Délégué à la protection des données de la RATP à l'adresse suivante :
54 quai de la Rapée, LAC LT73, 75599 Paris Cedex 12 , ou en remplissant le formulaire suivant :
En cas d’absence de réponse ou de contestation, les personnes concernées disposent d’un droit d’introduire une réclamation auprès de la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).