These values define the base of our conduct serving the needs of our customers. They are the condition of our performance.
These values are as follows:
- People
Women and men are our most precious asset. Keeping people at the heart of the Group’s development is the primary source of our excellence, our performance and our competitiveness, through dynamic social dialogue and an exemplary HR policy. - Commitment to the public interest
The RATP Group is establishing itself as a world leader in sustainable and connected urban transport, and the preferred partner for smart and sustainable cities. It is investing for future generations, implementing an ambitious policy of social and environmental responsibility, and offering passenger customers an efficient, innovative and safe service, whilst remaining competitive. - Respect
Respect is an essential condition to the conducting of our activities. It allows us to work together and manage the diversity both of our employees and our passengers. We are committed to respecting ethical principles and complying with laws and regulations. - Professionalism in serving our customers
We conduct our business with the absolute requirement of security and safety. Continuous improvement and operational excellence are ongoing objectives, for the satisfaction of all our customers. - Welcoming challenge
True to our history, we are determined to rise passionately to the challenges that lie ahead in the Paris Region, France and internationally. We are transforming to successfully deal with the rise in competition, including the opening up of our historical networks. We also carry out innovative and complex projects to meet the challenges of new forms of transport. - Openness
Being attentive to the expectations of our customers and our stakeholders is the basis of our efficiency. Opening up to a variety of geographical and entrepreneurial cultures is a great source of wealth and development.
Our organisation:
The actors involved in ethics and compliance are multiple within RATP Group.
The general delegation for ethics:
Reporting directly to the Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer, the delegation addresses the Group’s values and culture. It is also the point of contact for the alert system (see the article dedicated to this subject). The human resources managers in the departments and subsidiaries are the usual correspondents within the general delegation to ethics.
The compliance division and its network of compliance correspondents:
The division establishes and implements the Group’s compliance programme, mainly in accordance with provisions in the Sapin II law dated 9 December 2016. The measure brings together a set of mandatory processes (risk mapping, codes and guides, procedures, warning system, etc.) to ensure compliance with laws, regulations and standards applicable to the company.
To deploy the compliance programme, the division relies on the compliance correspondents of the Group's various structures.
The sustainable development unit:
It is in charge of the Group's social and environmental responsibility (CSR) approach. A ‘CSR club’, which has the objective of spreading a CSR culture throughout the Group, via a network of referents, has been set up.
A delegation for data protection:
It ensures the respect of data legislation and, in particular, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) on the part of the Group.
CERSEC (Ethics, CSR and Compliance Committee):
CERSEC is a decision and coordination body. Chaired by the Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer, it is made up of the members of the executive committee and the following managers: general counsel, general delegate for audit and internal control, general delegate for risk management, general ethics officer, head of Group compliance and head of sustainable development. An outside public figure is among them. It is Yves Medina, Honorary Master advisor to the court of auditors and honorary Chairman of the business ethics circle. CERSEC develops an ethical culture and evaluates the effectiveness of compliance and CSR programs.