
All the news on the RATP Group

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Press releases

Creation of a Technical and Industrial pole within RATP Group, and appointment of Sylvie Buglioni, its director, to the Group’s Executive Committee (COMEX).

For several years, RATP has been conducting a major transformation plan to meet its goals and the requirements of the gradual opening up to…
Press releases

Clean energy buses: RATP places a new massive order to renew the Île-de-France Mobilités fleet

The second large-scale order from the Bus2025 programme aims to pursue the renewal of the bus fleet operated by RATP towards electricity…
Rail open lab
Press releases

SNCF Réseau, the FIF, RATP and SERCE create Rail Open Lab, a partnership dedicated to the French railway industry’s digital and technological acceleration

On the occasion of the Viva Technology trade show, SNCF Réseau, the French Railway Industries Association (FIF), RATP and SERCE sign a…
Press releases

Open Tour Paris becomes Tootbus Paris as it resumes its activities in Paris

Open Tour Paris is an RATP Dev subsidiary and the historic operator of the city’s tour buses. Many changes will be publicised on 17 June,…
Press releases

Following the renovation of Croix de Berny station, RER line B is now 100% accessible

Passengers travelling through Croix de Berny station on RER line B from the Velpeau street access since the end of April have found the…
ratp dev
Press releases

SBS Transit teams up with RATP Dev to deliver world-class metro services in Singapore

SBS Transit and France’s RATP Dev have formally entered into a strategic partnership that will set a new benchmark in delivering world-…
Press files

The commissionning of metro line 14's northern extension

After several years of extraordinary works, the fully automated and underground Paris metro line 14 has been extended to Mairie de Saint-…
Press releases

The urban project associated with the conversion of the Belliard bus depot, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, is forging ahead!

In April 2020, the land sale agreement related to the development of the Belliard bus depot was signed by representatives of RATP Group and…

The essentials