
Sidi Bel Abbès tramway

Tram promoting economic growth in Algeria.

RATP Dev rolled out trams in Algeria's three largest cities through SETRAM, its joint venture along with Entreprise du Métro d’Alger (EMA) and TRANSTEV. The tram ushered in a new era of modern transit, better quality of life, and economic growth.

The modern trams have air conditioning and low floors to allow disabled access. Passengers enjoy a high frequency service and information system in both Arabic and French. The tram makes it easier to get around, and has helped improve the daily routine and quality of life for local inhabitants.

Easier travel is also a boon for economic growth in all four cities. In fact, RATP Dev hired and trained 2,000 people locally, transferring its technical know-how. In 2017, it opened a rail training institute in Algiers.

All these local endeavours show that it's a win-win partnership in terms of technology, the economy, the environment, and people.

The partnership achieved a new milestone in the summer of 2017, when a fourth tram was opened in Sidi Bel Abbès, a major commercial and industrial hub with 200,000 inhabitants. Several million passengers are expected to take the line every year. It runs over 14 kilometers and features 22 stations and five sales agencies.

Active involvement with local communities

Since 2017, RATP Dev and the RATP Group Foundation have joined forces with the French Development Agency (AFD) and European Union Delegation to Algeria. Together, they support the FAIJ fund for youth initiatives through the Joussour Program.

RATP Dev does business in Algeria through its subsidiaries SETRAM SPA and RATP El Djazaïr. The first operates and maintains the trams of Algiers, Oran, and Constantine, while the second operates and maintains the Algiers metro.


  • Encouraging public transit in Algeria's three largest cities - Algiers, Oran, and Constantine – and in the metropolis of Sidi Bel Abbès.
  • Ushering in an exciting new era with comfortable, fast, clean, and wheelchair-accessible transit.
  • Keeping traffic smooth to speed up economic growth in and around the country's major cities.

Did you know ?

passengers per year

The tram enhances city planning and brings transit up to date.

Abdelghani Zaalane
Minister of Public Works and of Transport
International Tram