Striving for fluid mobility
The tramway is a booming means of mobility that is extremely popular with passengers. Combining high technology and sustainable mobility, the tramway is seen by local residents as being synonymous with a better quality of life and a reduction of nuisances in the city, for which it has become a point of pride.
We assist transport organising authorities on four continents to develop and extend tramways by ensuring their smooth integration into the urban fabric. Our ambition is everywhere the same: to offer a truly local service that combines the speed and regularity of the metro with the comfort of bus travel.
Inserting tramway networks into dense metropolitan areas
In the Île-de-France region, in the span of 20 years and in partnership with STIF and the local authorities, we have succeeded in deploying a high-performance tramway network that is among the most complex in the world, due to its highly dense urban environment and heavy usage. The seven tramways currently operated on behalf of STIF make up the third largest tramway network in Europe in terms of traffic, with more than a million passengers per day. Several extensions are now underway or in the preparation phase.
In Florence, since its start-up in 2010, our tramway has become the Florentines’ preferred means of transport. The planned 29.5 km tramway network will accommodate 37 million passengers a year.
Our expertise in multimodal networks allows us to optimise the tramway’s complementarity with existing rail transport services and to avoid shared bus/tramway corridors, thus improving the transport system’s overall performance.
Applying our extensive experience in regulating traffic in dense urban areas, we set up optimised circulation plans with travel times that are designed to enhance traffic flows, notably during rush hour. In Hong Kong, as we did in Paris with the T3, we have divided the operation of a line into two arcs to preclude a problem encountered on one segment of the line from having an impact on the entire line, thereby improving the regularity of service for passengers.
Key figures
Training local teams
In both Washington DC, the US capital, and in Tucson, Arizona, a city with one million inhabitants, we have set up operating procedures, recruited and trained personnel, and carried out technical tests and “dry runs” for a successful start-up of service. Rio de Janeiro’s first tramway line benefited from technical assistance provided by our RATP Dev subsidiary, prior to its inauguration just two months before the 2016 Olympic Games.
We are transferring our expertise worldwide by training local teams. In Algeria, where we already operate tramways in Algiers, Oran and Constantine, our RATP Dev subsidiary is engaged in four new projects in Sidi Bel Abbès, Ouargla, Sétif and Mostaganem.