Our commitments
For the planet and the city

A more environmentally friendly bus fleet thanks to the Bus2025 plan
Through the Bus2025 programme, Île-de-France Mobilités and RATP have committed to a major technological and ecological development: to…

Caring about air quality in our spaces
To improve air quality, we constantly monitor and analyse the air that circulates in our underground rail networks. We focus our efforts on…

The RATP Group launches a Green Bond issue
The issue of Green Bonds is an opportunity for the RATP Group to communicate about its strategy and commitments in Corporate Social…

Our Responsible Procurement policy
Since 2012, RATP’s procurement department has adopted a responsible procurement policy to meet the major challenges of tomorrow and to…

RATP has obtained “Exemplary” level in CSR Committed certification from AFNOR (the French standardisation association)
By “dedicating every day to better city living”, RATP has confirmed the maturity of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach with…

For a sustainable city
As an expert in public transport and a key player in the sustainable city, we imagine and propose environmentally-friendly mobility…

Committed to the environment!
Each day, we transport 16 million passengers throughout the world. We are convinced that our role is to encourage a socially responsible…

Solidarity and the City
We are in direct contact with the city and its inhabitants. Through our business activity, we are confronted daily with certain harsh…

Committed to climate change
RATP is taking part in global efforts deployed around the world to fight against climate change. RATP has set the ambitious goal of a 50%…
For our passengers

We are hiring! Join us
From 2024 onwards, we intend to recruit over 5,300 new hires in the Île-de-France region, including 3,700 permanent contracts, 1,000 work-…

Our passengers are the focus of our full attention
Day in and day out, our teams focus all of their attention on satisfying our passengers and meeting their needs. We invest in systems and…

Relationship with consumer associations
RATP maintains relations with accredited consumer associations as part of a consultation agreement set up in 1987. The protocol formalises…

Ensuring the protection of our passengers
In 1995, RATP set up a dedicated security command post comprised of two identical rooms, one operated by RATP and the other by the Rail…

Prevention on our RATP network
RATP’s security and prevention policies help strengthen the overall control of the area in constant association with government services:…

Safety within the RATP network
As one of the only public transport service providers in the world to benefit from such a strong internalisation of security forces within…

The RATP mediator
The Mediator intervenes at the passenger’s request to resolve, amicably and free of charge, a dispute that she or he may have with RATP…

Teaching mobility
We strive to ensure that our networks are accessible to all, and we are committed to creating a more humane city.
For our employees

Promoting diversity and equal opportunities
We are one of the largest employers in the Île-de-France region. As a window to the city, we want to be a reflection of the regions that we…

The training of our security agents
The professional training centre for RATP Sûreté, created in 1994, provides training for security agents as well as for other categories of…

An attractive employer
Our Group’s development is based on respecting our employees, developing their skills and expertise, and striking a balance between their…
For a culture of ethics and integrity

Fighting against corruption:
RATP Group makes every effort to create and maintain a culture of trust. This is achieved, notably, through its zero-tolerance policy in…

Code of ethics and code of business conduct:
RATP Group operates in France and internationally, building on the values and commitments of the code of ethics and the code of business…

Our ethical commitments:
To fulfil its missions, RATP Group relies on its skills and on the values carried by its code of ethics.

The Group’s alert system
RATP Group's alert system enables employees and external collaborators (temporary employee, employee of a service provider, etc.) and…