Our services

Bus: combining savings and performance
With nearly 11,300 buses in circulation on our networks worldwide, including some 5,200 buses in the Île-de-France region and nearly a…

T ZEN 3 dedicated bus lane, to Les Pavillons-sous-Bois
The T Zen 3 project emerged from a comprehensive analysis of public transport development in Seine-Saint-Denis and its insertion in the Île…

Public Transport Company
The SAPTCO-RATP Dev joint venture subsidiary, Public Transport Company, won the twelve-year contract to implement, operate and maintain the…

London United
London United is one of the premier quality bus operating companies in the capital, contracted by Transport for London (TFL), the authority…

We are extending our bus network
We are investing in several projects to extend or create bus lines. Our teams of engineers, contract authorities, project managers and…

RATP Dev Suisse
RATP Dev Suisse is composed of two bus and coach operators of urban, interurban and tourist services in the canton of Geneva, in Avenches (…

Bus line 393: Sénia-Orly extension
Bus line 393 links the Sucy-Bonneuil RER A station with Thiais Résistance. The Sénia-Orly dedicated bus lane project consists of extending…

T ZEN 5 dedicated bus lane: Choisy-le-Roi
By 2021, the T Zen 5 bus line will connect Paris (13th arrondissement) with Choisy-le-Roi. The T Zen 5 will serve four districts: Paris (…

TVM (Trans Val de Marne) dedicated bus lane, from Créteil to Noisy-le-Grand-Mont d’Est
Est-TVM is a roadway development project that aims to provide efficient connections between Créteil–Place de l’Abbaye (94) and Noisy-le-…

T3b extension to Porte Dauphine
In continuity with transport infrastructure first built and operated in 2006 (Pont du Garigliano-Porte d’Ivry) and then extended in 2012 (…

Eastern extension of the T1, from Noisy-le-Sec to Val-de-Fontenay
Tramway T1 from Bobigny to Val de Fontenay will serve Bobigny, Noisy-le-Sec, Romainville, Montreuil, Rosny-sous-Bois and Fontenay-sous-Bois.

Tramway: combining regular service and respect for urban life
Whether it be in France, the United States, Algeria, Italy, Morocco or Hong Kong, we are helping to spread the tramway’s revival around the…

Casa Tram
Casa Transport, contracting authority for the Casablanca tramway project, awarded operation of the first tramway line in Casablanca to RATP…

Public hearings on RER and metro projects
Find out more about current and past public hearings on metro and RER projects, as well as the public hearing results. Each project is…

M11 extension to Rosny Bois-Perrier and then to Noisy-Champs
The M11 extension will link the current terminus at Mairie des Lilas to the Rosny-Bois-Perrier RER E station. It will facilitate travel to…

M14 extension to Orly Airport
Commissioned on June 24, 2024, the southern extension of Line 14 now connects the current terminus at Olympiades to Orly Airport.

Works on the Pont de Chartres have begun
As part of the national rail network upgrades, RATP and SNCF Réseau have undertaken works to replace the two hundred-year-old railway…

M1 extension to Val de Fontenay
The M1 extension from Château de Vincennes to Val de Fontenay includes the creation of a 7 km tunnel, 2 km of which will serve as a garage…

Construction of sidings and manoeuvring areas at the Marne-la-Vallée Chessy station
Creation of manoeuvring areas, sidings and an improved electrical power system.

Creation of a new entryway for the Bussy-Saint-Georges station
Launched in July 2017, construction work to create a new entryway for the Bussy-Saint-Georges station has been completed. The opening took…

RER modernisation projects
Find out more about the RER upgrade projects: three for line A, four for line B.
New types of mobility

New forms of mobility: adapting to a changing society
On-demand transport, self-driving vehicles, car sharing, ride sharing: the emergence of new forms of mobility are profoundly changing our…
New passenger services

Passenger services: increasingly personalised
We place passengers and their legitimate demands at the centre of our concerns. We use new digital technology to propose a multitude of…