In 2023, the Group's Mediation department received 4,922 referrals, reaching its highest level ever, a sharp increase (+27%) on the previous year and an increase of 86% in two years.
The proportion of complaints relating to fines has fallen slightly, but remains in the majority, accounting for 79% of the total. 20% of referrals are related to consumer mediation, compared with 16% in 2022.
3,299 referrals were admissible, i.e. 67% (up 10 points on last year). The increase in online referrals has boosted admissibility.
The average time taken to issue an opinion increased from 46 to 59 days, due to the sharp rise in the number of cases examined.
46% of the opinions issued by the Mediation officer were entirely favorable to the customer, compared with 52% last year. The more systematic recourse to mediation, following information of this possibility provided by Customer Services, leads the Mediation officer to handle cases that would not otherwise have been sent. 9% were partially favorable, not responding favorably to all the points raised by the customer; 43% were unfavorable to the customer, and 2% were neutral opinions, in other words informative.
Finally, Médiation has made 14 recommendations to the Group for 2023. Some of these concern new media such as the Navigo Easy pass, or the invoicing of season tickets. Others relate to the discernment of ticket inspectors or to a lack of information, putting certain passengers, particularly occasional ones, in a situation of involuntary infringement.