Long-term subscription

Imagine R travel card

If you are in primary school, secondary school, or are a student below the age of 26, you can enjoy unlimited travel across the Île-de-France region with imagine R.
  • Busratp
  • Metro
  • Rer
  • Sncf
  • Tram

The Imagine R travel card is for young people living in the Île-de-France region who, on 1 September of the year of subscription, are:

  • Either under 16 years of age, or
  • Under 26 years old and following an initial training course of a minimum of 350 theoretical hours in a higher education institution or an institution providing post-secondary education approved by the French Ministry of Education (students on vocational training contracts are excluded)

Children under 11 years old on 31 December of the year of subscription are eligible for an Imagine R Junior travel card.

It allows unlimited travel all year throughout the Île-de-France region.

Airport travel:

With Imagine R:

  • You can access Orly Airport via metro line 14 METROmetro ligne 14
  • You can access Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle Airport via RER line B RERrer ligne B


How long is it valid?

For minors and students up to 18 years old: in the first year of subscription, the Imagine R contract is valid for 13 months (from 1 September of the year of subscription to 30 September of the following year).
If the contract is renewed, the duration is 12 months and covers the period from 1 October of the year of renewal to 30 September of the following year.

For students over 18 years old: the travel pass is valid for 12 months. It can start on 1 September, 1 October, 1 November, 1 December or 1 January, at the student’s choice and for the same price.


Fares applicable for 2024-2025

Imagine R Étudiant subscription

Imagine R Scolaire subscription

Imagine R Junior subscription

* Including an €8 administration fee before deduction of any departmental and/or social subsidies.


For payment by direct debit, 9 direct debits will be taken and the €8 administration fee will be paid with the first payment. 

Online*, using the customer portal  on the website iledefrance-mobilites.fr/imagine-r

Subscribe to an imagine R travel card


* except for third-party payers who must subscribe by post. Forms are available from any OPTILE, RATP or SNCF Transilien ticket desk or ticket machine (see list below).
List of stations with guides and forms

Consult the subscription guide Here:

Terms and Conditions of Use

Click here for the Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use (T&Cs) for Navigo Imagine R travel cards

Frequently asked questions

Click here for all questions relating to the management of your travel pass (customer service and others)  

Click here for additional information on Imagine R travel tickets and cards