The Metro-Train-RER ticket allows you to travel across railway lines in the Île-de-France region.
This ticket is valid for journeys on metro, RER, suburban train, funicular, and express tram (T11, T12 and T13) lines, within a two-hour limit, and without leaving the network.
The ticket can be loaded onto a Navigo Easy pass, on your smart phone or smart watch.
The ticket cannot be loaded onto a medium that already contains a t+ ticket or a Paris Region <> Airports ticket.
Prices from 1 January 2025
The Metro-Train-RER ticket has a flat fare, regardless of the distance travelled.
- | Full fare | Reduced fare |
Single ticket | €2.50 | €1.25 |
Did you know that you can travel for less with a Navigo Liberté + travel pass?
Eligibility for reduced fares
The following passengers benefit from a 50% discount on single Bus-Tram tickets:
- Children from 4 to 10 years old.
- Solidarité Transport pass holders.
- Familles nombreuses (large families) pass holders valid in the Île-de-France region.
- People with a certified disability/French CMI (carte mobilité inclusion, mobility inclusiveness card) cardholders.
- ONAC (Office national des combattants et des victimes de guerre, French national veteran and war victim body) cardholders (single blue stripe).
- People accompanying passengers with a certified disability.
- Groups of 10 or more young people under the age of 16 and their chaperone*, or middle and high-school students (including those in the final year) who are travelling in groups of 10 and are accompanied by a teacher* are eligible. Chaperones must produce a duly completed signed statement
- Groups of at least 8 children and their chaperone travelling as part of a school outing or extra-curricular trip organised by a primary school or a primary school recreational group. Chaperones must produce a duly completed signed statement
* Teachers and chaperones are also entitled to half-price tickets. Larger groups may be accompanied by one chaperone for every 10 students.
In our stations
- Station staff at ticket desks in metro and RER stations
- Ticket machines in our metro and RER stations
- in the (*) IDF Mobilités and Bonjour RATP (**) apps
- Companies and institutions wishing to purchase the Paris 2024 travel card can do so from the Île-de-France Mobilités corporate client page Grands Comptes | Ile-de-France mobilités (iledefrance-mobilites.fr)
*Or official Île-de-France Mobilités distributor apps. App contracted by Île-de-France Mobilités to distribute digital versions of public transport tickets across the Île-de-France regional network. Find the full list of official distributors at www.iledefrance-mobilites.fr
**The Bonjour RATP app is developed by RATP Smart Systems.
Outside RATP stations
- From commerces agréés RATP,