RATP - aimer la ville Website of the RATP Group Mediator

Examples of typical mediation cases

Customised investigation of each complaint

Customers file complaints relating to a wide range of disputes. Examples include problems occurring when purchasing a travel subscription or ticket, difficulties understanding the Île-de-France fare system, misunderstandings of transport regulations and terms of use, problems with equipment or travel subscriptions and tickets including the demagnetisation of tickets, and disagreements with the circumstances leading to the issue of fines for breaches of regulations. In some cases, customers find themselves in difficult circumstances despite their best efforts.

The Mediator investigates each case according to the law, in an equitable and impartial manner. Each case is reviewed individually, and the Mediator is not bound by any recommendation that may have been issued in a previous case.

The Mediator listens to the customer and aims to understand the sense of injustice they may feel, considering objective evidence that the customer acted in good faith and seeking additional information from RATP or the relevant subsidiary to help her understand the situation.

After examining all of the documents at her disposal, the Mediator issues a final recommendation, bringing the mediation process to a close. Each recommendation is unique and does not set a precedence. The Mediator makes clear that the customer is free to accept or refuse the recommendation, and to refer the case to the competent jurisdiction to enforce their rights irrespective of her intervention.

The Mediator’s annual report describes the different types of complaints that were filed over the past year.


Example: broken validation machines

Users can be fined for non-validation when they have entered the network without any particular difficulty. 


An investigation into the malfunctioning of the control devices in the station on the day of the ticketing will make it possible to check whether the RATP equipment was in working order. This investigation may explain certain situations that led users to be in breach of the law. Depending on the investigation carried out and the context described, the Mediation officer may grant the customer's request.


Example: feet on a seat

Users may be ticketed after an officer finds that their position is objectionable because they are defacing or soiling spaces, vehicles or equipment.



This subject of feet on the seat is often misunderstood by the people who are verbally abused. However, it is a matter of inconvenience to all customers and expectations of cleanliness in the vehicles. Thus, according to the regulations, a piece of shoe on the plastic edge, for example, is reprehensible. The Mediator will consider these requests in the context of the situation presented.

Example: noise and vibrations 

Residents may experience noise or vibration pollution from nearby network operations. 


Noise is often a difficult issue to handle. The problem can stem from a range of factors, including rail operations themselves, the condition of the infrastructure, the contact between the rails and the train and, in some cases, changes made by external parties (such as engineering work by concession-holders or work within the building itself).


Example: Dispute concerning a transport ticket

Subscribers may encounter disputes in the management of their subscription (subscription, suspension, etc.). 

Exchanges with the contract manager (GIE Comutitres for Ile-de-France passes, for example) will help to better understand the situation. Sometimes it is a question of a lack of understanding of the regulations, other times it may be a question of a malfunction in the management of the contract.