What are les Mercredis du Rugby?
The objective: Through this prevention operation, the RATP group aims to promote appropriate behaviors on public transportation, relying on rugby and its values of respect, teamwork, and sharing. We juggle between the rules governing a rugby field and those that apply in public transportation!
This year, the RATP group is opening this operation online to all middle schools in Île-de-France.
On the agenda:
- Discover the incivilities on public transportation through rugby and the comic book series "Rugbymen."
- Prepare with your class a "Haka of Civilities." This challenge aims to involve participants in an educational project while allowing them to develop their social skills and self-confidence. The Wednesdays of Rugby promote respect for others through the creation and performance of a Haka of Civilities.
- Win with your class a rugby kit (10 balls, 15 bibs, and cones) to discover the practice and create memories around shared values.
Register your middle school and participate in the 17th edition of les Mercredis du Rugby by filling out this form (registration valid only for middle schools in Île-de-France).
Our partners
Through this prevention operation, which is part of the "Decoding the City" prevention program, the RATP group aims to promote appropriate behaviors on public transportation in partnership with the French Rugby Federation.
Since 2007, from March to June, more than 70 middle schools in Île-de-France and more than 5,000 middle school students have participated in this program.
Retour sur l'édition 2024
Bravo aux trois collèges gagnants de cette édition 2024 !
- 1ère place : le collège Michel Vignaud, Morangis
- 2ème place : le collège Albert Cron, Le Kremlin Bicêtre
- 3ème place : le CLJ 94, Créteil
Le mercredi 24 avril, les trois classes gagnantes seront accueillies au Centre National du Rugby à Marcoussis pour une demie journée d'initiation rugby, encadrées par des cadres de la Fédération Française de Rugby et transportées par le car officiel du XV de France. Chaque collégien recevra par la marraine de l'opération Lenaig Corson un diplôme spécial et la classe gagnante se verra remettre le trophée des Mercredis Du Rugby 2024.
La 17ème édition des Mercredis du Rugby, c'est :
- 13 collèges participants et une association ;
- 21 Ambassadeurs de 9 unités opérationnelles : Centre bus de Pavillons, Quais de Seine, Montrouge, Saint Denis, Défense Ouest, Créteil Saint Maur, Thiais, Seine rive Gauche, T5.
The RATP Group and Rugby
The partnership established in 2005 with the French Rugby Federation (FFR) has strengthened the ties between the RATP group and this popular team sport. Solidarity, respect, collective dynamics, and conviviality: the values of rugby are also those that unite RATP group employees on the field.
The RATP group is the Official Carrier of the FFR and Supplier of the French National Rugby Team (XV de France). We also transport foreign teams during the Autumn Tour.
For more information, check out the article about RATP group and rugby.