
Weekly Navigo travel passes

Do you wish to enjoy unlimited travel for one week? The weekly Navigo travel pass is just what you need.
  • Busratp
  • Metro
  • Rer
  • Sncf
  • Tram

The weekly Navigo travel card allows unlimited travel in the zones you have chosen. You can use all public transport modes in Île-de-France: metro, RER, bus, tram and train (except Orlyval).

  1. The “all zones” travel card provides access to all zones.
  2. The “two zones” card allows you to travel in the selected zones.

The weekly Navigo travel pass is valid from 12:00 a.m. on Monday to 11:59 p.m. on Sunday and can be purchased from the Friday of the previous week.

The weekly Navigo travel pass can be loaded on personal Navigo passes, Navigo Découverte passes, and smart phones.

Airport information:

If the weekly Navigo travel card covers:

  • Zone 4 or zone 5, access to Orly Airport via metro line 14 METROmetro ligne 14 is included
  • Zone 5, access to Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle Airport via RER line B RERrer ligne Bis included

Fares from 1 January 2025

Tableau des prix du ticket T+
Zones Weekly Navigo travel pass
All zones €31.60
2 to 3 €29.60
3 to 4 €28.60
4 to 5 €28.20

The weekly Navigo travel pass can be purchased from the Friday of the previous week and up to and including the Thursday of the current week.

Who is eligible for a reduced fare?

  • Beneficiaries of Aide Médicale d’État residing in the Île-de-France region 
  • Beneficiaries of the Complémentaire Santé Solidaire without financial participation* (CSS) or unemployed people receiving ASS 

Find out more  


In our stations 

  • At points of sale in metro and RER stations and from all our ticket machines

Outside RATP stations

* Or the apps of Official Distributors of Île-de-France Mobilités travel tickets. App under contract with Île-de-France Mobilités for the digital distribution of public transport tickets on the Île-de-France network. The full list of Official Distributors is available at
** Bonjour RATP is an app developed by RATP Smart Systems.

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