
A day with Xavier

Xavier is an expert in bus rolling stock maintenance. Mechanics has been his great passion since childhood.…


A day with Manuel, bus depot site manager

Originally a maintenance mechanic, Manuel is now site manager at the Les Lilas bus depot. Discover his daily life.


A day with Morgane, maintenance technician

Morgane contributes to maintaining trains running on RER line A, the busiest line in Europe. Step behind the…


A day with Valérie, occupational health coordinator

Did you know? RATP has its own occupational health service, including physicians and nurses. Meet Valérie,…


A day with Rachid, track gauge and geometry surveyor

Did you know that special attention is paid to tracks at RATP? Meet Rachid, track gauge and geometry surveyor…

Jérémie, caténairiste

A night with… Jérémie, catenary line engineer

Jérémie, age 29, is a catenary line engineer. When night comes, and after our last trains have finished circulating, Jérémie works…

Lumière sur 6 experts de l'innovation

Spotlight on 5 innovation experts

Automation systems engineers, civil engineers, or acoustic engineers... These…

Benjamin, ingénieur en génie civil

Benjamin, civil engineer

Discover Benjamin's profile.

Carlos, Ingénieur acousticien

Carlos, acoustic engineer

Discover Carlos's profile.