Modernisation Travaux Ligne 5

Metro line 5: works and closures

At the moment, there are no planned works and closures on Metro Line 5.


  1. Restructuring project for the exchange hub at Austerlitz station
  2. To adapt your journey

Restructuring project for the exchange hub at Austerlitz station

There are currently no ongoing works on Metro Line METROmetro ligne 5. However, as part of the restructuring project for the exchange hub at Austerlitz station, Gare d'Austerlitz station remains affected.

Therefore, the connecting corridors between metro line METROmetro ligne 5and metro line METROmetro ligne 10, as well as the RER line RERrer ligne C and the SNCF station, are remain closed until at least 2027.

The metro line METROmetro ligne 10is still accessible directly from the usual entrances on Boulevard de l'Hôpital.

The RER line RERrer ligne Cand mainline trains are accessible from the SNCF station.

For more information, please refer to the dedicated page on the works at Gare d'Austerlitz station.

To adapt your journey

This page is regularly updated to reflect works and closures on the line.

Modernisation Travaux Ligne 5