Sharing road space: buses and bikes

RATP is well aware of how important it is for bikes and buses to share road space harmoniously in a bustling urban environment. Learn about the awareness initiatives that have been implemented, and the best practices to adopt for smooth and safe road use.


  1. RATP trains all its bus drivers on how to share road space with cyclists
  2. Read our datasheets on the best ways for buses and bikes to share road space!

RATP trains all its bus drivers on how to share road space with cyclists

The safety of its passengers and other road users is an absolute priority for RATP, which operates the 330-route bus network on behalf of Île-de-France Mobilités. 

RATP is committed to the quality of the training that its bus drivers receive. Once the drivers are hired, they are given specific classroom-based and practical training from experienced instructors at RATP's in-house training centre. These training courses are continuously offered throughout employees’ careers so that they can regularly refresh the skills required to drive in dense urban environments. The courses also aim to instil vigilance, calm driving and the ability to anticipate incidents as habits that benefit all road users and passengers.

Training modules are adapted to real-life situations that occur on RATP bus routes.

Read our datasheets on the best ways for buses and bikes to share road space!

As roads are shared public spaces, its users must show mutual respect. Find all our tips on how buses and bikes can share road space, by clicking below:

Our tips