Passenger services

How to react to pickpockets?

The reflexes to have to protect your personal belongings, how to file a complaint in case of theft... Let's explain.

 Encuentra la información sobre cómo reaccionar ante los carteristas y algunos gestos sencillos par viajar con toda tranquilidad.

 Click bellow to find these informations in chinese.

Pickpockets may be present in our trains and spaces. In order to best protect your personal belongings, here are the right actions to take before it's too late:

  • Ensure that your bags are properly closed ;
  • Avoid displaying your valuables in plain sight ;
  • Keep your wallet in an inside pocket ;
  • Be mindful of your surroundings when you use your phone.


Are you a victim of theft ? We are here to help !

You can file a complaint by asking our staff for assistance, if you meet the following criteria :

  • You are in Paris as a tourist ;
  •  The theft occurred without any violence involved ;
  • You are unable to identify the culprit ;
  • The stolen property is worth no more than €1,000.

If all of these conditions are not met, our agents will still be able to provide you with more specific information on the steps to follow. In any case, you retain the option to file your statement directly with the police station or gendarmerie of your choice.


Lost bag? We help you get your hands on it.

Every day, an average of nearly 4 abandoned bags are detected on the rail networks. One hour is the average traffic interruption time for each abandoned bag, allowing for all necessary verification steps.

To assist you in recovering your lost bags, luggage tags with a QR code are available from our agents. To simplify the process of reporting lost items, you can also fill out an online form: either from a website or from the mobile app Bonjour RATP. Visit our page to find out everything you need to know about the procedures to follow.

Find more details on our dedicated page for lost or forgotten luggage.
